CFS2015美服选手xfam0usx专访 复盘烟雾四杀

2015-11-27 10:08:17 神评论

17173 新闻导语

在刚刚结束不久的CFS2015巴西邀请赛中,代表国服出战的汉宫成功捍卫CF的中国荣耀,再次将世界级冠军收入囊中,但是在决赛中汉宫遭遇了北美服务器冠军3sUp.Carbon的强力阻击,本次邀请赛也是在CFS S1世界总决赛之后时隔两年双方的又一次邂逅,果不其然擦出了不同凡响的火花,


Pick a player from HG who is their team MVP of that whole finals. (Enpi, Harlen, mino, 1995, wn99); If you know Brando/Andrej/tyler/phat’s thought about this question, please also list their answers


Johnathon Holland:

We all agree that Harlen was the MVP. He had so many kills every map that they won it is hard to consider someone else as the MVP. 1995 had some really nice clutches too! In my personal opinion, the player that gave me the most trouble was wn99. It was very frustrating to be killed so quickly by an m4.





I am not sure after the finals if you had a chance to sit down and had some fun hanging with team HG, since they have a tournament in China to play this weekend, they got to hurry back for it. How is the feeling of playing against a Chinese top team? Team HG said Carbon had made lots of unexpected moves. Do you have the same feeling that HG has played something other NA teams haven’t done or not able to do before? Is this a good match that you have also learnt something from ? I know it is hard to have a good opponent like them in CF NA.


Johnathon Holland:

Most of the things that they did were things we have never seen. I have never seen a team smoke all sides of the map every round even if they are about to take a site. Usually, teams always stay on the side of the map that they will be attacking. They did so many things we have never seen.

Even on the first day of the tournament we were already talking with HG using our cellphones to translate things to each other. They are very cool! After the game, they wanted to drink together,have fun, and talk and that is what we did! A lot of what they said was a little hard to understand because Google Translate made it very confusing in English. They told us that they have been preparing to play us since CFS Season 1, that our marksmenship is very good, that we are very tough to play, they think that we have a very good chance against other Chinese teams, and that they think we are the best on Port, but they beat us on it because they prepared for us or something like that (Google translate made it hard to understand what they meant haha). We talked about a lot of things though, it would be too much to type on here.



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