CFS2015美服选手xfam0usx专访 复盘烟雾四杀

2015-11-27 10:08:17 神评论

17173 新闻导语

在刚刚结束不久的CFS2015巴西邀请赛中,代表国服出战的汉宫成功捍卫CF的中国荣耀,再次将世界级冠军收入囊中,但是在决赛中汉宫遭遇了北美服务器冠军3sUp.Carbon的强力阻击,本次邀请赛也是在CFS S1世界总决赛之后时隔两年双方的又一次邂逅,果不其然擦出了不同凡响的火花,


Many people would like to know how you guys evaluate about team HG, individual player’s skill and team complete performance, their weakness and strong points? Lots of fans keep analyzing and hope to hear some view points from foreign friends


Johnathon Holland:

About HG: We think that their highest skilled player is Harlen. He was the most impressive from their team when it comes to aiming ability! The way Wn used the m4 was hard to believe too, because he would kill you so fast that it seem like he was using an ak. Their team seems to be based more around teamplay and strategy, than aiming for headshots and individual skill. It was hard to figure out their strategy! They seemed weakest on GR when we would 4 person push something and leave 1 person to either flank them or watch for them to flank us. It was very hard to try and work slowly on BL side vs HG. They were very strong against that. When they were on BL, it felt like it was almost impossible to retake a site from them, so we had to kill them before they took a site or we would lose the round. Their timing on when to flank and their timing on how they execute their site takes seemed perfect. If we did not get crazy shots on them, we lose the round.



In CF China, team HG may not be the best and most wellknown, but definitely a team AG or EP would never prefer to meet in semifinals or earlier, their toughness always saved them when they fell behind. And their team strats is very versatile, some fans have considered them the team with best S&D strategy. How do you think about it ? Do you agree with this thought based on what you have experienced in the match against them?


Johnathon Holland:

We definitely agree that their S&D strategy was amazing and probably the best. It was something we were not prepared for. We always watch Chinese teams and see that they mostly play off of trying run in a group and win the round by out shooting their opponents. We feel that we are very good, as a team, at out shooting our opponents, so we were happy when we got to the finals to play against them. We thought we could win if it was mainly an "aim battle" kind of game.




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