把握机会提升自己 xfamous加盟情久参加S10

2017-01-18 14:13:42 神评论

17173 新闻导语

昨夜今晨,穿越火线职业联盟陆续公布了参加CFPL S10赛季的队伍阵容名单,其中情久俱乐部的阵容一经公布,引发了圈内所有人的关注,来自北美的CF知名选手xfam0us确认加盟情久,以替补身份参加到新赛季当中。对此,我们第一时间和xfam0us本人进行了联系,分享此时此刻他的心情。

Q4:AS a well-known and successful basketball player, Yao Ming not only has an amazing career but also build a cross-cultural bridge between China and America. As an esports player, and the first individual foreign player of CFPL, do you have confidence in your future career? Would you like to become the symbol just like Yao Ming?(众所周知,姚明是一位成功的篮球运动员,不仅仅因为他传奇的职业生涯,更为中美的架起了一座友谊的桥梁。作为一名电竞选手,同时也是第一位受邀来华参赛加CFPL的选手,你对你未来的职业生涯有信心嘛?你想成为像姚明一样的人嘛?)

xfam0us:I have always had confidence in myself because I have been surrounded by family and friends that have confidence in me. This is one lesson I would hope everyone learns. Only surround yourself with people that have confidence in you to succeed and this will give you motivation to put your 110% in so that you will succeed! I have always loved hearing that I have made a positive impact on people's lives and it would fulfill a dream of mine to become even 1/1000 of the symbol that Yao Ming is and to build some sort of cross-cultural bridge between China and America. He has affected so many people in a positive way while also being a good role-model and one day I hope that I can do the same.(我一直很有自信,因为我身旁的家人以及朋友一直对我很有信心,在这里也想跟大家分享我的信念:让自己身旁尽量围绕著相信你的人,他们可以给你最大的动力,激发出你110%的实力,让你迈向成功!我一直都很喜欢也希望带给人们正能量,对我来说,我其中一个梦想,就是像姚明那样搭起跨文化的桥梁,我希望我也能搭起CF界中美友谊之桥,尽管可能只能做到姚明的千分之一,我也会拼尽全力去做。姚明一直是模范标竿且带来许多正面且深刻的影响,希望有一天我也可以跟他一样。)


Q5:Have you tried all of the VIP weapons? Which one is your favorite?(你体验过英雄级武器了吗,哪一个是你的最爱?)

xfam0us: I have very recently received all of the VVIP weapons that we have in America and I'm still trying them all out. We do not have as many VVIP weapons in America as China does, so I haven't tried a lot of the ones you have in China but I am loving some of them! The M4A1 Iron Beast is my favorite M4 and the AK47 Iron Beast is my favorite AK. I love tap-shooting with the AK47!(近期我在美服收到了所有的英雄级武器,并且在进行尝试。在美服并没有像中国那样有很多英雄级武器,虽然我大部分我还没有尝试,但我很喜欢他们。雷神和无影是我最喜欢的两款武器,我喜欢AK点射的感觉!)


Q6:Which S&D map is your favorite?(你最喜欢的比赛地图是什么?)

xfam0us:My favorite S&D map is Port. I love the angles on it and how strategic you can play on the Black List side of the map!(我最喜欢的地图是港口,我喜欢这样地图上潜伏者的战术和站位。)

Q7:What is your position of MexicoTD?(你对于沙漠1-TD的看法是什么)

xfam0us:I have played two positions on MexicoTD and I like them both. I do not know what the positions are called in China so I will do my best to describe them. I have no preference between playing on the bottom with all of the boxes or defending the middle room on the top from the side with the boxes.(沙漠1-TD保卫和潜伏的角色我都体验过了,我非常喜欢他们。我会尽我所能和中国的队友来描述地图中的一些点位。我喜欢在主道拼抢,这样可以防止对手从中房跳下来。)


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