把握机会提升自己 xfamous加盟情久参加S10

2017-01-18 14:13:42 神评论

17173 新闻导语

昨夜今晨,穿越火线职业联盟陆续公布了参加CFPL S10赛季的队伍阵容名单,其中情久俱乐部的阵容一经公布,引发了圈内所有人的关注,来自北美的CF知名选手xfam0us确认加盟情久,以替补身份参加到新赛季当中。对此,我们第一时间和xfam0us本人进行了联系,分享此时此刻他的心情。

昨夜今晨,穿越火线职业联盟陆续公布了参加CFPL S10赛季的队伍阵容名单,其中情久俱乐部的阵容一经公布,引发了圈内所有人的关注,来自北美的CF知名选手xfam0us确认加盟情久,以替补身份参加到新赛季当中。对此,我们第一时间和xfam0us本人进行了联系,分享此时此刻他的心情。


Q1:As the first individual foreign player of CFPL, it’s so far away from home, and you can’t speak Chinese very well , what encourages you and makes up your mind to come to china?(作为第一位受邀参加CFPL的外籍选手,远渡来华,并且你的中文水平并不好,是什么激励你,让你来到了中国?)

xfam0us:The reason that helped me decide to play in CFPL S10 is that I want to improve in the game that I love playing. China is the best at CF and if I want to get better, then what better place is there to go? I have always loved coming to China to attend CFS/WCA/CFGI and China has always shown love back to me, but only getting to play the best teams in the world 1-2 times a year isn't enough for me.(帮助我作出决定来到中国参加CFPL S10的原因就是我喜欢这个CF,想要在这个游戏中提高自己。中国是CF项目最好的国家,如果你想变得更好,这难道不是一个最佳的选择嘛?我喜欢一直来到中国参加CFS/WCA/CFGI,同时中国也给了我很多的爱的回报,而一年只有1~2次能与顶尖队伍过招,对我来说实在不够。)


Q2:Is that related to the impression of Chinese teams?(对中国队伍有哪些印象)

xfam0us:This is definitely related to my impression of the Chinese teams, but it isn't just the teams! I have had such a great impression of China itself in the times that I have been there and I can't wait to come back.(中国CF队伍给我的印象极佳,不只是选手们,我也非常喜欢在中国体验到的点点滴滴,期待赶快回到这里。)


xfam0us:I have a mother and two sisters. My mother doesn't love the idea of me being so far away for months, but she has always supported me in everything that I've done and this time is no different. She believes in me and I hope that I can prove to her that I can make something out of this opportunity. My sisters are always proud of me when they see me playing in tournaments and doing interviews. They are supportive of me!(家里是妈妈带著我和两位姐妹,我妈妈不喜欢我要离家这么多个月,但她仍会一如以往支持我所有的决定,我也会更加努力不辜负妈妈的信任。我的姐妹们以我为荣,她们也会关注我的比赛跟访问,也是至始至终地支持著我。)


Q3:Literally, what’s the goal of S10?(CFPL S10的目标是什么)

xfam0us:My goal for CFPL S10 is just to do my best and improve my game in every way and to also connect with my fans in China! I will do my best to help my club Q9 rise to the top and I also will work hard to make myself worthy of this chance and worthy of the cheering from my fans.(我CFPL S10的目标是发挥出自己最好的实力,来提高我游戏各个方面的水平,同时和我的中国粉丝保持联系;我会尽我最大的努力帮助情久俱乐部,同时珍惜情久俱乐部给我的这次机会,并且获得粉丝们的认可!)

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