
2015-12-03 14:12:24 神评论

17173 新闻导语





(图2:CFS2015巴西冠军,INTZ队长: Alex "afc" Costa)


个人姓名:Alex Costa



个人荣誉:CFS S1/S2/2015巴西预选赛冠军

Ca90723: First Congrats team Intz winning the CFS2015 Brazil champions!


Ca90723:1st question: Alex, it will be your 4th time to represent Brazil at global stage , right ?:) Different with the previous appearance as a member of team PainGaming, how about your new team INTZ? Could you give us some brief introduction about this team ? Who is the founder of the team ? Who is the strategy caller and team captain ?


Alex "afc" Costa:After CFS S2, I stop playing for a year to study and create some hobbies. In March 2015, I called Gunnerz and try to come back, only 4fun, not competitive... We call 2 friends, retired too and start to play... When we have been qualified for Brazilian nationals, we start training so hard and won the 1 split. We started as MiGG and INTZ invited us at May. As INTZ, we won the WCA against pain gaming and the 2nd split against g3x! So amazing because we have 4 players retired and won all national.

答: 在CFS S2世界总决赛之后,我有一年的时间离开了CF, 因为学业还有自己其他的兴趣爱好,今年三月,我联系到Gunnerz重新组建一支队伍,期初只是为了一起娱乐开心,并不是为了比赛,我们还叫了另外两个当时也已经退役不打了的朋友一起玩,当我们拿到了巴西区总决赛机会以后,我们开始认真训练,之后就拿到了第一阶段的冠军,开始我们的队伍名字是MiGG后来INTZ给予了我们赞助,之后我们又分别在WCA第一和第二阶段的预选赛中战胜了PainGaming和G3X, 我们觉得非常高兴复出拿到了全巴西冠军,因为我们其中的四个人都已经退役没有打比赛了。

Ca90723:2rd question: Chinese cf gamers/funs are surprised by how enthusiastic the Brazilian audience are and how popular crossfire is in Brazil, the whole CFS2015 Brazil Invitational Tournament looks like a big party. They are wondering if crossfire is #1 fps game in Brazil?



Alex "afc" Costa:For sure! CF is the number one in Brazil, we have nice tournaments and so much fans!

答: 必须的,CF在巴西是最棒的游戏!在这里我们有很多出色的赛事还有狂热的粉丝!

Ca90723:3rd question: Chinese cf gamers/funs saw three Brazilian teams(IntZ, PainGaming, G3X) in Brazil invitationals, they are curious about if the players in these three teams play crossfire for most of the time, or do you also have other jobs/schools to take ? Does the sponsor pay both salary and prize money to the players or they just provide the bootcamp room and supplies?

第三个问题:中国CF玩家粉丝们在巴西邀请赛上认识了INTZ, PainGaming和G3X三支巴西强队,大家都很好奇你们是全职进行CF的训练吗?还是只是在上学和工作的空余时间?除了比赛的奖金,你们还会拿到固定的薪水吗?还是赞助商只提供**和设备?

Alex "afc" Costa:Pain and INTZ have salary and gaming houses! Intz crossfire is starting a new gaming house only for crossfire. Some famous players in Brazil do not need to work, like me, Felippe (pain) and (Brunao).

 答: Pain和INTZ的队员们有固定的薪水,而且还有**,INTZ正在为CF部门搭建一个独立的训练室,在巴西一些出名的CF队员是不需要其他工作的,比如我,还有PainGaming的Felippe和Brunao



Ca90723:4th question: In the CFS2015 Brazil Invitational Tournament INTZ beat HG from China, and it is the 1st time for a Brazilian team to beat a Chinese team in a global level match? How about your feeling ?


Alex "afc" Costa:It is amazing! I have lost 10-0 against IG at WCG 2012 and 10x3 to modern CFS S1... So, for us it is like winning a tournament, it is only the 1st step, but we have great victories against other good teams and now we know, Brazilians can beat everyone with hard training!

答: 获胜的感觉很美妙,我曾经在WCG2012总决赛上0比10输给IG, 在CFS S1世界总决赛3比10输给摩登,所以能战胜中国队伍对于我们就像是赢了一个冠军一样,虽然这只是第一步,但是我们的的确确在重大比赛中战胜了强劲实力的对手,证明我们在努力训练后是有能力抗衡任何队伍的。


(图3: INTZ队员们出发前往广州)

Ca90723:5th question: In CFS Brazil Invitationals, INTZ played against teams from CN, NA and ES servers. Compared with Brazilian top crossfire teams, did you feel any difference playing against these teams from other servers? Is their playing style different? Have you seen any strategy that you haven’t seen from a Brazilian team?


Alex "afc" Costa:No, now with the streams we can study the other top teams... HG teach us so much but the other teams are so equal.

答: 并没有,现在通过视频直播我们已经可以学习研究其他顶级队伍的比赛,通过观看汉宫的比赛我们学到了不少,但是其他队伍的战术就都很平常了。

Ca90723:6th question: In the CFS2015 Global finals, INTZ is in the same group with HG, Pacific.Macta and Groovy Gaming, and you will fight against Groovy Gaming in your first group match, are you ready for this match? Have you done any special preparations for team Groovy Gaming?

第六个问题:在CFS2015世界总决赛小组赛阶段,你们和汉宫,Pacific.Macta以及Groovy Gaming同分在了C组,在首场比赛将面对你们的近邻Groovy Gaming,对于这场比赛你们准备好了吗?你们有特意研究Groovy Gaming吗?

Alex "afc" Costa:Groovy is a real good team, they almost beat carbon... We need to be focus for this game! If we can play our style, we can beat again.

答: Groovy Gaming是一支不错的队伍,他们在巴西邀请赛中差点就击败了Carbon,我们需要在和他们的比赛中尽全力对待,如果我们能打出我们的风格,那么再次战胜他们不是难事。


(图4: INTZ队员们在CFS巴西邀请赛比赛中)

Ca90723:7th question: Please give us some expectations about CFS2015 Global Finals, what is your team goal?


Alex "afc" Costa:I think Carbon has grown up so quickly this year... Vietnam always good... The other teams are so strong now, but I think China will win again

  答: 我认为Carbon今天进步神速,越南的实力也很强,有很多竞争力强的队伍,不过我认为这一季还将是中国队伍笑到最后。

Ca90723:8th question: As an opponent and viewer of team HG during CFS Brazil Invitations, could you give us some evaluation about team HG ? Who is player of them that impressed you most ? What is the thing they are good at and bad at?


Alex "afc" Costa:First of all, I need to say, these guys are so cool! We have so much fun, new friends Harlen is a god! Enpi is too fast with sniper... They play together and the m4 are so fast, it is like AKs! DABOQ play real nice, as WN and mino, but Harlen is the mvp, I think Chinese teams like hg doesn‘t have a nice backup and when the c4 is planted, always shows to kill... This isn’t so good!

答: 首先我要说的是汉宫的队员们太棒了!我们一起玩的很开心,新朋友哈伦在比赛中简直是超神!年鹏的狙击也很快,他们的团队协作很棒,而且他们的m4用的太6了!简直杀伤快的像AK一样,常旭也有一些精彩的表现,吴楠和大米也是,但是MVP还是归属哈伦的,我认为汉宫的问题在于他们在C4安放后的保护做得不够,总是主动寻求对枪,这并不明智!

Ca90723:9th question: Pick a player from your team that you think will stand out in CFS2015 and make some huge plays. Who will you pick?


Alex "afc" Costa:Dedee is the best player in brazil 2015

答: Dedee是巴西2015年度的最佳CF选手,他值得关注。

Ca90723:10th question: Wish team INTZ goodluck in China and have some great time in GuangZhou !


Alex "afc" Costa:Thank you so much and sorry my bad English, I am right now on a cellphone going to china! This airplanes internet are so expensive hahahaha. We love china

答: 感谢你的采访,我的英语不太好见谅啦,我现在在前往中国的飞机上,网费好贵哈哈!我们喜爱中国!


(图5: INTZ队员们在紧张的备战中)


