Penta.Sports研究中国EP战术 积极备战CFS总决赛

2015-12-02 09:53:13 神评论

17173 新闻导语

在CFS2015(穿越火线之星国际联赛)欧洲服务器预选赛中,来自德国的PENTA SPORTS再次获得了冠军并将代表欧服前往广州参加CFS2015世界总决赛,这也是他们连续第二次斩获欧服的CFS预选赛冠军,

在CFS2015(穿越火线之星国际联赛)欧洲服务器预选赛中,来自德国的PENTA SPORTS再次获得了冠军并将代表欧服前往广州参加CFS2015世界总决赛,这也是他们连续第二次斩获欧服的CFS预选赛冠军,而在CFS世界总决赛之后他们还将以WCA2015欧服职业预选赛冠军的身份出现在银川的WCA2015世界总决赛舞台上,队伍阵容和上一季完全没有变化。在阔别一年后,小编也是再次联系到了Penta.Sports的队长Loones,作为欧服王者的他们第二次世界总决赛之旅首场就将遭遇卫冕冠军EP龙珠摩登,Penta的队员们准备的怎么样了呢?让我们一起通过小编对Loones的采访一探究竟吧! 小编也为大家保留了采访的双语原文,希望大家能够喜欢!



(图1:CFS2015,Penta.Sports阵容: phaze, Loones, thundR, ReijN, FLEXX)

Ca90723: First Congrats Penta winning the CFS2015&WCA2015 EU qualifiers champion, and a continuous second year representing EU server at CFS Global Finals.




1st question: I know this year there are some twists and turns for team Penta, and eventually team lineup is back to the previous one of last year. How do you evaluate your team status now? Is it becoming more competitive than last year ?


PENTA.Loones:Yeah last year we just came to the GF without any goals and we reached 4th. Yeah didn‘t prepare that much as we should. This year we prepared more than last year and we will see if it is going to bring us even further.

答: 恩..上一季我们几乎是没有带着任何目标的来到了世界总决赛的舞台上,最终获得了第四名。我们去年有很好的机会,但没有尽全力的去准备。相比上一季今年我们准备的更加充分了,我们期待看一看我们的努力是否能给我们带来回报,让我们更上一个台阶。



2rd question: I know last year Penta practised hard preparing CFS2014 Global Finals, how about this year? Did you organize any bootcamp ?


PENTA.Loones:Yes we bootcamped twice in 2015 but with our Lineup only once for a weekend. It is hard to bootcamp for us because we live in different parts of Germany and FLEXX lives in Netherlands. Due to school and work and not same holidays it is hard for us to set bootcamps. This year we started to watch some enemies of CFS and WCA , like the qualifiers and the NF´s.

答: 是的,今年我们有过两个阶段的线下训练,但是目前的主力阵容只是有一个周末左右的线下训练(大部分时间都是线上整队训练),我们很难聚在一起训练,因为我们生活在德国的不同地方,而FLEXX是生活在荷兰的(跨国),上学工作时间上的冲突,甚至是放假的日子也不同,这些都让我们很难空出时间来线下训练。



3rd question: Different with last year, this year Penta is in Group A of CFS global finals, and you will meet EP.Modern, the defending champions, in your 1st match of the tournament, how well are you prepared for it ?

  第三个问题:和去年不同的是(CFS2014 Penta和NTS.Gaming分在特殊小组,胜者进入四强),这一季Penta分到了A小组,将在首场比赛里就面对卫冕冠军EP龙珠摩登,你们对于这场比赛准备的怎么样了?

PENTA.Loones:We cannot directly tell how well prepared we are against modern and Group A in general. We watched some modern games(Subbase) and tried our best to understand their way of playing the game. But they had a different team there and its going to make it more difficult for us




4th question: This year WCA brings a lot of new elements to EU server competitive scene, and it brings more matches for EU teams, do you think it benefits the development of the crossfire EU server ? Are there more players/teams starting to join the competitive scene because of it ?


PENTA.Loones:No, the European section is quite small and it is not helping to get more teams. Some players / teams are coming back for the big tournaments but their skill is not on the same level like the top teams Crossfire is in general not that popular here and doesn’t get supported that much compared to CS:GO or other games.



(图6:Penta队员与Even, 绿豆,贝贝以及媒体记者合影)

5th question: Different with last year, it seems there are some new bloods (FLIPSID3 TACTIS &ESC) representing EU server in international level, how do you evaluate these two teams ? Do you agree that Penta/FLIPSID3/ESC are the best three teams in EU server?

第五个问题:我们注意到一些新的名字和队伍将代表欧洲出现在国际赛场上(WCA2015),包括FLIPSIO3 TACTIS &ESC, 简单评价一下他们两支队伍吧,你认为,你们三支队伍是欧服的三巨头吗?

PENTA.Loones:Flipsid3 got some old known players and most of them played in good teams , they are skillwise very strong and they play very aggressively . ESC Gaming they got as well some known players , they played also on top levels but some of them do not have that much experience. Yes we would agree that we are the 3 top teams from Europe, If you compare our results to other teams.

答:Flipsid3是一支由不少在欧服知名的老玩家组成的,他们之前都曾效力于很多强队,他们综合能力都非常强大,打法也很具侵略性,ESC也是由一些很出色的老玩家组成, 只不过他们欠缺一些大赛经验,我同意我们三支是欧服目前最具竞争力的三支队伍。

6th question: I think last year in global finals you must have learnt a lot from that period of LAN "experience", do you agree that the ability to play under intense pressure makes difference at this top level of crossfire competitions?


PENTA.Loones:Yes we completely agree that the pressure on LAN is forcing other gameplay. Online / at home you feel more comfortable so you play better and at your best. Maybe you even play less seriously online. So it will be interesting to see how the European teams will perform




7th question: Last year Penta entered into the final four of CFS2014 and had a close chance for the champions, what is your team plan for this year CFS2015 and WCA2015?


PENTA.Loones:We really do not know what is the plan , but we want to beat modern and pass the groups, because this year we got a bigger challenge In such a tournament you can’t say who is going to win but the Chinese teams are more favored. Anything can happen but for us we would like to pass the groups and play more games. WCA is even harder because only 1st place of each group will move to the playoffs.


8th question: Based on the brackets, Penta and Carbon from NA server are both arranged in the same group for CFS2015 and WCA2015, I know you have known each other very well after several scrim practise this year. Are you looking forward to play against them and have a huge match at global stage? I know there has been an argument of who is better, EU or NA , what is your take on this question ?


PENTA.Loones:Yes we played Carbon but scrims do not matter if you play on different servers and without bulletproof. Of course you can beat them sometimes and they also beat you on their server. We will see on stage who is going to win. For us as a team we do not really care who is better or who is not. Carbon had a strong performance at the CFS Invitational Brazil, so we are excited to face them under same conditions.


9th question: I know time is always the issue for team to improve, since the whole team does not have enough training to play together. So how is everyone' doing this year for team Penta? Are most of you still studying at school? How many hours per week are you available to play together?


PENTA.Loones:Yeah everyone goes to school / universitiy. Some players got other hobbies, jobs, plans. We usually all play public, then we play some scrims, we play official matches, play against different teams from other versions. After that we fix our mistakes and improve setups and strategies. For the past weeks we started to play every possible day. We cannot tell how many hours we play but at the moment we play almost every day.




There will a huge temperature difference(over 20 degree celsuis) between GuangZhou and YinChuan, Guangzhou, a city always warm all year long, and YinChuan, a city in northern part, cold winter time now. So take care, and have some fun there in China. Thanks for answering my questions, wish PENTA Goodluck!



